Leica M4 Serial Numbers

Serial numbers as low as 50,000 are still floating around. Leica made lens number 1,000,000, a 50mm f/1.5 Summarit, on 24 October 1952, at which time they already had onver 100 years of experiance. Because of this orderly behavior, it it trivial to figure out when your lens was made. Detailed information about Leica (serial numbers, lens types, history etc) is available at CameraQuest and Pacific Rim Cameras web-sites. If you are looking for the lens prices, check the Leica Lens Price Guide, or use M39 search to find other lenses manufactured with Leica screw mount.

Posted by
Leica M4
11 months ago

Hey everyone,

Looking forward to buy my first Leica. Coming from Fuji, I want to go back to film, love my Olympus OM2 but I want to get my dream camera.


I got some questions and I guess you could help me. I need a light meter so for me it's either M6 or M7.

Colt M4 Serial Numbers

M6 is cheaper and fully mechanical, any M7 lovers that can argue for it's side ?

I'm a 28mm guy, so I'm looking for a .58 viewfinder but they seem quite rare. Anyone shooting 28mm with .72 ? What's your opinion about it.

I may not be able to buy a M mount lens at first. If I adapt my OM Zuiko lens with an adapter, will the rangefinder still work ?

Leica Drp Serial Numbers

Thanks a lot guys (and girls) :)