Microsoft Sam Voices Download

  1. Microsoft Sam Voice Download
  2. Microsoft Sam Voice Download Windows 7

Web interface for Microsoft Sam & friends written in C & D (vibe-d), runnable on headless linux.

Dec 07, 2008  This is a tutorial of microsoft sam telling you how to get his voice and mike and mary's. A) Open Regedit b) Under - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Speech Server v11.0 Voices - right click the 'Tokens' folder and export. Save this file to your desktop as voices1.reg so it will be easy to find later.



SAPI4 server compilation on local Windows machine

  1. Install Microsoft Speech SDK 4.0 (SAPI4SDK.exe).
  2. Run vcvars32.bat of your oldest installation of Visual Studio, SAPI4 is a wonder of '90s, but it should compile with Visual Studio 2017 too.
  3. Compile: cl sapi4.cpp ole32.lib user32.lib Ws2_32.lib /MT -I'C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Speech SDKInclude'.

Web server compilation & SAPI4 server setup on remote Linux machine

Microsoft Sam Voice Download

Microsoft sam voices
  1. Clone SAPI4_web & move sapi4.exe (SAPI4 server), spchapi.exe (Microsoft Speech 4.0 API) and tv_enua.exe (Lernout & Hauspie TruVoice Amer. Eng. TTS Engine) to the linux server. The voice of Bonzi Buddy lives in tv_enua.exe.
  2. Install wine (sudo apt-get install wine), 1.8.7 is fine. If wine doesn't work on your system, you must stop here.
  3. Install Microsoft Speech 4.0 API in the wine environment: wine spchapi.exe.
  4. Install Lernout & Hauspie TruVoice Amer. Eng. TTS Engine in the wine environment: wine tv_enua.exe.
  5. Run SAPI4 server(s) first: wine sapi4.exe [Local listen port],[Voice name], for example wine demo.exe 23453,Adult Male #2, American English (TruVoice) or wine demo.exe 23452,Sam.
  6. Modify SAPI4_web/views/index.dt lines 41-42 to match your target voices (sorry, it can be done automatically).
  7. Install dub and dmd from .
  8. Go to SAPI4_web and compile the web server: dub build --build=release.
  9. Run web server with currently running SAPI4 server(s): ./sapi4 --ports=[port1,[name1]:[port2],[name2]:..., for example ./sapi4 --ports=60002,Sam:60003,Bonzi.
  10. Pass the web server through nginx - add this to nginx config: location ^~ /SAPI4/ { proxy_pass; }. Note that the web server will work only on /SAPI4/ location, if you want to change that, change references to scripts and other assets in SAPI4_web/views/layout.dt, SAPI4_web/public/scripts/tts.js.
  11. Go to http(s)://localhost/SAPI4/, put soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi as text, set speed to 450 and enjoy.

You might be familiar with Speakonia. As CFS-Technologies have released an unlimited license ( for Speakonia, you can get .wavs Microsoft Sam & other voice genereated text with Speakonia too, however web interface is more convenient and generates text much faster. Speakonia is set to generate text at real-time of speaking speed and SAPI4 server is set to generate text at x16777215 of real-time speaking speed. You can download .wavs from web interface too (right click the player and press Save audio as..., at least on Chrome).

You can generate text from an API too, endpoints are /VoiceLimitations?voice=(voice) and /SAPI4?text=(text)[&voice=(voice)][&pitch=(pitch)][&speed=(speed)]. () - required parameters, [] - optional parameters.

Text to speech voices download

If the Microsoft Sam is very busy, you can scale SAPI4 by running it multiple times with different ports but same voices. Run the single instance of web server with different ports but same names too.

Microsoft Sam Voice Download Windows 7

It's possible to run a combination of SAPI4 server on Windows Server and web server on Linux server, without need of wine. You will need to modify sapi4.cpp to listen on and firewall it to accept connections only from linux server.